
Refer to the list of commonly used terms below as you navigate the GenderUp process.
  • Scaling: the process of increasing and/or expanding the use of a specific innovation
  • Development outcomes: beneficial effects of an intervention; results of an intervention to which social or environmental change can be attributed
  • Sustainable Development goals: A collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. During implementation of the GRS tool teams define one or more SDG(s) which their innovation and scaling strategy contributes to. For an overview of the 17 SDGs see 
  • Gender: culturally defined continuum of characteristics identified as women and men, girls and boys
  • Dimension of diversity: An aspect or attribute along which people differ (e.g. wealth or age) and can be categorized in groups (e.g. rich or poor/young or old). People can be categorized along multiple dimensions, but not all dimensions are relevant to a particular scaling ambition.
  • Relevant diversity: The identified dimensions of diversity and corresponding distinctions between groups that need to be taken into account in order to ensure that scaling activities are equitable and inclusive.
  • Social inclusivity: improving the terms of participation in society or a specified process
  • Intersectionality: Combining two or more dimensions/categorizations of diversity: e.g. considering gender differences within different wealth or age categories.
  • Scaling strategy: A set of coherent activities, stakeholders, and stakeholder engagement models to overcome one or more scaling bottlenecks.
  • Target beneficiary: The group or segment of people that is supposed to benefit from an innovation
  • Scaling innovation: The process of increasing and/or expanding the use of a package of core and complementary innovations, and often decreasing and/or reducing the use of pre-existing practices.
  • Innovation: Novel practices, products, services, models, and institutional arrangements that have a social and/or economic use in society.
  • Scaling outcomes: achieving specific development objectives through the scaling of innovations