Stage 1

Stage 1: Defining the innovation and scaling ambition

Please review the resources included here and under the “Toolkit” tab.

These stages are reflected in the slides found on the “Workshop Flow” page of this website. We suggest opening those slides and following along as you review these notes.

So your team has an innovation in agriculture. That’s great! How does the team currently want to scale this innovation? In which context will the innovation be used? By who?

You and your team will start by filling in the current Scaling Strategy in Miro. In the final stage, we will come back to the Scaling Strategy. The team will then have the chance to update the strategy with new learnings.

Stage 1 Goals

Gender In Agriculture

  • Duration of this activity: 15 minutes 
  • Materials needed: Stable internet connection, projector 

Instructions for the facilitator

  • Go through the “Gender in Agriculture”  slides before you meet with your team. Make sure you understand the concepts and terms that are used.
  • Feel free to download the slides from the “Workshop Flow” page and adjust the content to include context-specific examples for your innovation team. There are recommendations on various slides where we recommend context-specific examples to be added.
  • At the end of the presentation, take some time to answer questions and facilitate a discussion.

Scaling Strategy

  • Duration of activity: 60 minutes
  • Materials needed: Stable internet connection, projector, flipchart, large sticky notes and markers

Instructions for the facilitator

Option 1: Filling out the Scaling Strategy online 

For this activity, you will give your participants access to a virtual collaboration space called Miro. This is an online whiteboard where you can fill in the Scaling Strategy together. Each participant needs a laptop or computer with internet access. More information about Miro.

Follow the link for MIRO that you received from the GenderUp team.

Here is a visual of the MIRO Board for Stage 1:

Miro Stage 1

Option 2: Filling out the Scaling Strategy offline

  • If you are doing this workshop in person, and you do not feel comfortable using Miro, you can hang a flipchart on the wall. Provide sticky notes and pens for the participants. 
  • Write the Questions you see on the Miro board from Stage 1 on the flipchart. Note: You do not have to copy all the instructions.
  • Project your computer screen during the workshop, so that the team can clearly see what needs to be filled in in the Scaling Strategy. Note, however, that you will start by filling in the answers on sticky notes on the flipchart, so that all participants can contribute. 
  • Tell participants to write their answers to each question on a different sticky note, and stick their answer onto the flipchart.
  • When the Scaling Strategy on the piece of paper on the wall has been filled in, you can type  the answers in the Miro board  by yourself. You can do this after the workshop. 
  • Tip: Take a look at the instructions above to understand how to access and fill in the Miro board.

When you have filled in the Scaling Strategy (offline or online), continue to the next activity.


Well done! You have completed Stage 1. In the next stage, you will teach your team about different dimensions of diversity.